51.4 F
Buena Park

Buena Park

Quirk-Silva stops by City Council to present check for $500k

By Brooklynn Wong State Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva made a rare appearance at this week’s Buena Park City Council Meeting, to present a check for $500,000...

Elks Lodge members welcome reorganization

By Andy Costello In a vote of its members, the Buena Park Elks installed Phil Covey as the Lodge’s new Exalted Ruler. Covey served the...

Remembering Art Brice: Chief thanks community, family ‘overwhelmed by support’

By Brooklynn Wong This week’s City Council Meeting presented an opportunity for city officials and the police department to address the public and provide updates...

Commission proposes ban of styrofoam-like products in BP

Council in favor of education, but not ready for a ban By Brooklynn Wong Styrofoam cups, takeout food containers and coolers may soon be going the...

Council weighs pros and cons of naming city sites after Lindbergh,...

By Brooklynn Wong In a recent Special Meeting, the Buena Park City Council reevaluated the names of some of its city facilities. Some were for...

‘Boo-uena Park’ rings in autumn with Olde Tyme Fall Festival

Halloween event put on by Historical Society and City By Loreen Berlin Buena Park is celebrating the fall season. The city’s Olde Tyme Fall Festival, held last...

Council considers cannabis again

By Brooklynn Wong The cannabis discussion is being reopened in Buena Park. As it stands now, the only kind of cannabis allowed in the city is...
Buena Park Independent