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Buena Park

Buena Park

Call for artists! Extended deadline on Art in Crosswalks

The City of Buena Park is looking for artists to create an original, computer-generated crosswalk design that reflects the history, diversity and beauty of...

Boys & Girls Club of BP earns prestigious Gold Level Award

Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park earned recognition with the 2019 Gold Standard Attendance and Programmatic Excellence Award from the Boys & Girls...

BP resident receives Kindness Award

Supervisor Doug Chaffee hosted the first annual Orange County Fourth District Kindness Awards on Wednesday, November 13 at Fullerton College, which was emceed by...

BP Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast inspires

Combat-wounded veteran Jeremiah Pauley is speaker By Loreen Berlin The City of Buena Park recently held its 41st annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at the Knott’s Berry...

Former BPHS football star named to 2019 All-New England Team

Cedric Dashiel II, a Buena Park High School grad who played on the Coyote football team, now plays for Bentley University in Waltham, Mass....

Buena Park ‘Honor Walk’ for veterans

‘We want to thank all who have served’ By Loreen Berlin Honoring all men and women who selflessly serve and have served our country, on November...

Thousands united on Beach Boulevard for inaugural ‘Meet on Beach’ multi-city...

On Sunday, November 17, more than 5,000 people experienced Beach Boulevard like never before during "Meet on Beach." The inaugural community festival connected seven...

Quirk-Silva and Select Committee address OC chronic homelessness

Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva hosted the first hearing of the Assembly Select Committee on Orange County Chronic Homelessness at the Buena Park City Council Chambers....

Community policing

Knott’s celebrates 100 years in 2020 and welcomes back the beloved...

Southern California’s original theme park, Knott’s Berry Farm, will commemorate its 100th anniversary with its largest celebration ever, all paying tribute to the Knott...
Buena Park Independent