65.1 F
Buena Park

Buena Park

BP’s Korean residents voice concerns over lack of translation

By Brooklynn Wong According to the City of Buena Park’s website, the largest ethnic group of the city by percentage is “Hispanic.” Following that is...

Local church calls new leaders

By Vickie Wagstaff Ken Wert of Buena Park has been named as a Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will...

City hiring lifeguards

Do you know a teen looking for a summer job? The City of Buena Park is looking for a few good lifeguards. Positions pay...

Knott’s Boysenberry Festival offers flavorful month

  The Knott’s Boysenberry Festival is an annual food-inspired event that celebrates the park’s historic roots by highlighting the little berry that started it all,...

UPS honors driver from BP for career of safe driving

UPS recently announced that 128 elite drivers from California are among 1,436 newly inducted worldwide into the Circle of Honor, an honorary organization for...

Annual police update shows crime is down, BPPD becoming more efficient

By Brooklynn Wong Captain Frank Nunes of the Buena Park Police Department presented the 2018 Buena Park Police Department Update at this week’s City Council...

Ian J. Macdonald appointed to Centralia School Board

The Centralia Elementary School District’s Board of Trustees have unanimously voted to appoint Ian J. Macdonald to serve as Trustee, to complete a term...

Navigation Center property implications become reality

By Brooklynn Wong One of the chief concerns about Buena Park’s proposed Navigation Center has been the effect it might have on property values. If a...

Increased pedestrian safety at Centralia coming soon

By Brooklynn Wong Parents and neighbors have been wanting more traffic safety around Centralia Elementary for years, and they are now getting a hearing. The city...

Americana honors BP teacher

For 20 years, Gilbert Elementary School teacher Leslee Milch has read to her students at the park during the summer. Her first year, when it...
Buena Park Independent