Casino Nite brings business and community members together


Buena Park Coordinating Council’s 1st annual “Casino Nite” ended with Anna & Jose Corral winning the Hawaiian Trip grand prize, but success is judge by what everyone was saying.

“We had a great time, it was just so much fun,” BPCC Treasurer Cynthia Thacker said.

Buena Park Coordinating Council’s 1st annual “Casino Nite” ended with Anna & Jose Corral winning the Hawaiian Trip grand prize, but success is judge by what everyone was saying.

“We had a great time, it was just so much fun,” BPCC Treasurer Cynthia Thacker said.

Business, community leaders and other philanthropist groups come out in support of BPCC, which helps feed children, families and seniors of Buena Park. Their winnings were the group’s winnings as Food Bank Director, Concha De la Cruz and her daughters pulled tickets to win the donated prizes.

Raising funds to help the important program remains the first goal of the board and volunteers of BPCC.

The BPCC expresses warm thanks to the many sonsors, Ken Anderson, BP Noon Lions Club, Buena Park Police Assoc., Joe Kockgether, the Korean American Federation, Los Coyotes Country Club, Mega Glass and Mirrors, Premier Chevolet, Susan French State Farm Insurance., Smith and Sons, and  Source at the Beach.  The group also acknowledged and appreciates the many business that contributed raffle items.