Call for artists! Extended deadline on Art in Crosswalks


The City of Buena Park is looking for artists to create an original, computer-generated crosswalk design that reflects the history, diversity and beauty of the City as part of the Art in Public Places Program.

About Art in Crosswalks: Art in Crosswalks is a new program that will activate public spaces, engage the attention of drivers or pedestrians, and celebrate the history and culture of Buena Park.

Guidelines: Artwork must be in a subdued-colored aesthetic that is devoid of light-reflective properties (i.e. glitter). As per the Federal Highway Administration guidelines, artwork must be patterned but may not include octagons, triangles or other shapes, text and logos that could be confused with standard traffic control devices, legends or messages.

Submissions: Submit computer-generated images of potential artwork and a short biography or artist statement to by January 31. Please note that the deadline has been extended.