Buena Park man sentenced to 107 years to life


Update: Ulises Omar De La Torre, 36, of Buena Park, has been sentenced for his crimes previously reported in The Independent. In 2014, he attacked five women in Anaheim and Garden Grove. He has now been sentenced to 107 years and eight months to life in state prison, and mandatory lifetime sex offender registration.

At the sentencing on Aug. 9, three of the victim’s mothers read impact statements. One stated, “You see it wasn’t just me you attacked that evening with your angry blows to my head and arms with your knife. You attacked my entire family, my heart, my soul and my reason for everything.” Another said in part, “The first few months after the attack were the most challenging. I struggled with my appearance. It was difficult walking around campus. People would constantly stare at me due to the bruising, swelling and stitches.”

The mother of one of the victims explained that after the attack, her daughter “lost her bright smile that was always a part of her before this monster attacked her.” The third victim stated, “I did not see myself as a target or to become a victim. A victim though to me is someone who has not overcome, and I have and will continue to do so. Therefore, I am not a victim but a victor.”