Mayor Art Brown, left, reads a proclamation, with David Darling, right, of the Buena Park Moose Lodge, who acted as emcee.

By Brooklynn Wong

Buena Park does Americana and patriotism well, and these were on full display this Memorial Day, as the city held its 38th annual Memorial Day Remembrance Service.

Residents gathered at Bellis Park for a pancake breakfast put on by the Soroptimist Club, then for a fitting service that drew attention to the meaning behind the holiday.

This year’s ceremony was hosted by the Buena Park Moose Lodge, and representative David Darling emceed, giving opening and closing remarks, and introducing the various city members giving readings or presentations.

The Boy Scouts were involved, as were the Moose Lodge, the Soroptimist Club, the Rotarians, the Noon Lions, Elks, Knights of Columbus, and Knott Avenue Christian Church.

Mayor Art Brown, a veteran of the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, was there, as were City Council Members Sunny Park and Beth Swift, along with some other city staff.

Matthew Bryden of the Moose Lodge sang beautiful renditions of the National Anthem and “God Bless America.”

Buena Park Police Chief Corey Sianez read a patriotic poem, and the keynote speaker was Sergeant First Class (retired) Victor Valentin, a recipient of many military honors, including a purple heart and bronze star. He gave an emotional charge to keep the true significance of the day in mind, sharing openly about those he served with who didn’t make it home, and how he asks himself the age-old question of why he survived but so many did not.

Buena Park Police Chief Corey Sianez reads a poem entitled “The American Hero.”

He said, “I don’t consider this a holiday as much as a remembrance day.”

Several commemorative wreaths were presented by various city entities, including one on behalf of the City of Buena Park presented by Councilwomen Park and Swift.

Mayor Art Brown sits onstage, and City Council Members Sunny Park and Beth Swift stand at front right after presenting a wreath at the city’s Memorial Day Remembrance Service.

After the service, attendees were encouraged to drive down the road to the Moose Lodge for a barbecue.

It was a heartwarming while reverent display of community and patriotism in Buena Park, and a meaningful start to the holiday.

The Buena Park Community Chorus serenades attendees with the “Armed Forces Medley,” asking veterans to stand when they heard the song for their branch of the military.