‘We want to thank all who have served’
By Loreen Berlin
Honoring all men and women who selflessly serve and have served our country, on November 11, we pause to honor them. Each American citizen owes a special debt of gratitude to all veterans of the various armed forces.
“We want to thank all of the men and women who have served this great country,” said Buena Park Community Services Supervisor Mark Sauceda, during the recent annual Veterans Honor Walk.
“We want to show gratitude to the warriors who have served our grateful nation and to celebrate the ongoing generations who have sacrificed so much to secure the blessings of freedom for their fellow Americans.”
Sauceda noted that it has been ten years since the city unveiled the Veterans Wall at the Walter D. Ehlers Recreation and Community Center, just east of the Senior Center’s porte-cochere.
“Many events have taken place in front of the wall, such as families celebrating the recognition of their loved one’s military service as well as individuals locating their friends or family member’s name that has been placed on the wall,” said Sauceda. “The wall is engraved with these powerful words: The people of Buena Park honor all veterans who have served our country in war and peace.”
Special Congressional Certificate presentations were made by U.S. Representative Gil Cisneros, currently serving in the 39th District—to U.S. Army Military Police Specialist Amon Bennet, Jr. (deceased)—who served for nearly ten years; his wife, Tanya Bennett, accepted the Certificate of Appreciation.

“I would like to present this certificate to Mrs. Bennett in honor of her late husband, a U.S. Army veteran, in honor of the commitment your family has made and continues to bear for our nation,” said Cisneros. “I share in your grief at the recent loss of your husband, former Army Specialist 4th Class Amon Bennett, a hero of the Iraq War who served in the U.S. Army for more than nine years and who passed away in March from a service-related heart ailment—and I also wish to celebrate his life and your continuing commitment to service at a time when less than one percent of our country serves in uniform and when your husband had already given so much, your daughter Kelly, a Cadet Captain in the Junior ROTC program at Buena Park High School, where you are also well-known as a frequent parent volunteer—it is that kind of patriotism we wish to recognize today. Please accept both my condolences and thanks from a grateful community.”
World War II Army Veteran Cruz De Leon was also recognized and received a Certificate of Appreciation from Cisneros; De Leon’s service includes USN 1954-1967; USAF 1961-1967; USN 1961-1962 and USMC 1973-1989.
“In marking the solemn occasion of Veterans Day, it gives me great pleasure to honor a Veteran of the Second World War, a man who volunteered as soon as he turned 18, fought in U.S. Army Artillery Battery and wears the European Campaign Medal with five battle stars, including one for his participation in the Battle of Normandy,” said Cisneros. “Your bravery and steadfast devotion in ridding the world of fascism is emblematic of that high watermark in American patriotism and the exemplary life you have lived here in Buena Park after the war, working in the aerospace industry for 40 years while raising five children here with your wife, makes you an exemplar of everything we admire in your generation. On behalf of California’s 39th Congressional District, thank you for your service to our nation and our community.”
The event was open to the public and dinner was served after the ceremony honoring all veterans, hosted by the Buena Park Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8954.
“Thank you for allowing us to honor you today for your service and sacrifice for our freedom; thank you to those who have served in combat and in times of peace for your willingness to sacrifice for the freedom of others,” concluded Sauceda.

Presentation of the Colors was by Buena Park High School Air Force JROTC and the guest speaker was Representative Cisneros.
The invocation was offered by Pastor Don Harbert of The Way Fellowship.
The evening drew to a close with a candlelight ceremony.