Buena Park Elks Lodge welcomes more members


On Wednesday, Feb. 17, Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 welcomed two new members. Judy Foley, Exalted Ruler, and her contingent of officers performed the initiation of the new members which included them taking the solemn and binding obligation of being an Elk.

The new initiates were introduced to each of the Officer’s and they in turn described to the new members the duties of their station which are the cardinal principles of the Order: Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity.

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 welcomed two new members. Judy Foley, Exalted Ruler, and her contingent of officers performed the initiation of the new members which included them taking the solemn and binding obligation of being an Elk.

The new initiates were introduced to each of the Officer’s and they in turn described to the new members the duties of their station which are the cardinal principles of the Order: Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity.

New member, Samuelray Barrera, has a fulfilling career as an engineer for CBRE and is also an expert in HVAC for large buildings. Sam and his wife Lisa reside in Buena Park and have three children. Their names are Sam Jr., a profession boxer and the other two, Lisette and Raymond, are still in school. They love to go boating, fishing and traveling in their RV.

When asked why he became an Elk, he said, “I believe in giving back to the community.” Pam Roosevelt has been a member for a long time under her husband’s membership. As a widow, she decided that she needed to become a member in her own name and take on the responsibilities that she is very familiar with. Pam is retired in 2010 from Southern California University of Health Sciences as a graphic designer.

She has been a resident of Whittier since 1960, has three marvelous daughters and devotes a lot of her time to here seven grandchildren. The Buena Park Elks Lodge is glad to have Sam and Pam as new members and look forward to seeing more of them at their Lodge activities. Congratulations.