Buena Park Elks Lodge honors members with annual event


Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 hosted their annual awards event on Wednesday, March 2. Judy Foley, Exalted Ruler, was pleased to announce and present three outstanding Elk members who have served the community and their lodge in extraordinary ways. Elk recognition jacket award recipients are Maxine Glitzer, Elk of the Year, Victor dePol, Officer of the Year and Ron Lowers, Citizen of the Year. “All of the recipients have been important in the everyday running of the Lodge.

Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 hosted their annual awards event on Wednesday, March 2. Judy Foley, Exalted Ruler, was pleased to announce and present three outstanding Elk members who have served the community and their lodge in extraordinary ways. Elk recognition jacket award recipients are Maxine Glitzer, Elk of the Year, Victor dePol, Officer of the Year and Ron Lowers, Citizen of the Year. “All of the recipients have been important in the everyday running of the Lodge. At the end of each Elk year, it is my pleasure to choose the people that I think have contributed their time and served their Lodge in most every way possible. It was a difficult decision. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do,” Foley said. Service pins were also presented to members who have reached milestones in their membership. Lonnie Baldridge, a 30-year member; Charlie Ardolino, 40-year member; and Jim Guinn a 60- year member were among 40 recipients. Not all of the members who were recognized for their service were able to attend but we listed them nevertheless. “All of the members are important to us and each does what can be done when possible,” Foley said. “For that I am grateful and thank them for their past and present service.Congratulations to all, your service as an Elk is appreciated.” Here is the rundown on the award recipeients: 5-Year Members: Edward Cota, William Lozowski, Margaret Schmidt, Thomas Studds. 10-Year Members: Mai Tran Bennett, William Dalphy, Sherman Fuller, CarriePiché, Richard Shelton Jr. 15-Year Members: Michael Dunne, Lynn Farris, Judy Foley, Rudolph Sanchez, Alexander Steele, Joanie Stogsdill. 20-Year Members: Philip Covey, Bob Craven, John Langager, Tommy Reid, Richard Rose, Richard Ziebol. 25-Year Members: John Hudson, Ralph Lake, Thomas Maune, Donald Tanner. 30-Year Members: Lonnie Baldridge, William Cable, Richard Russell. 35-Year Members: Wayne Jehoich, Robert Rael, George Rossi, George Shaffer. 40-Year Members: Charles Ardolino, Larry Utesch. 45-Year Members: Irving Schwartz, John Seitz. 50-Year Member: Robert Fullman. 60-Year Members: Vance Newkirk, Jim Guinn.