Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 sponsors Trunk or Treat Safety Carnival


A big thank you to all who braved the heat to help with the 2nd annual Trunk or Treat Safety Carnival which was held on Oct. 24 in the safety of the parking lot at the Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046. The event was attended by small groups of children from neighboring communities. Kids and parents were greeted at the sign in table and were given food vouchers and school supplies. Games, crafts and other activities were available to all children.

A big thank you to all who braved the heat to help with the 2nd annual Trunk or Treat Safety Carnival which was held on Oct. 24 in the safety of the parking lot at the Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046. The event was attended by small groups of children from neighboring communities. Kids and parents were greeted at the sign in table and were given food vouchers and school supplies. Games, crafts and other activities were available to all children. Safety booths and handouts were set up by the Buena Park Police Department, California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Orange County Fire Authority, Boy Scout Troop #440 and the Orange County Pet Clinic. Kids had a great time sitting in the Sheriffs vehicle and the Buena Park Police Humvee. They also got to climb in the firetruck and get a feel of what it would be like driving one of those vehicles. Elk members were in charge of providing treats, and craft items in their trunks so the kids could load up their Halloween bags. As always, Drug Awareness posters and handouts are given to parents and teens. Many thanks goes to Carrie and Bob Piché, who spearheaded the event, Bill and Leona MacFarlane, Norma Johnson, Pat Fusco, Connie and Andy Huschka, Maxine Glitzer, Joyce Henry, Dolly and Gary Stefan, Pam Roosevelt, Jacko Ray, Esther Roman, Eddie Lopez, Susie and Jim Rovida, Laulene Foster, Ron Lowers, Tom and Chris Reid, Lonnie Baldridge, Shirley Ardolino, Pat LeMaster and her Emblem Club ladies and all the others that helped to make this event possible.