Buena Park 17th Annual High School Art Show begins soon


The City of Buena Park Cultural and Fine Arts Division proudly presents the 17th Annual High School Art Show in Buena Park City Hall Council Chamber, 6650 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90621.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Open to ninth through twelfth grade students who attend accredited public or private schools in Buena Park or surrounding areas. Entries MUST be submitted through the student’s school.  Not open to after school art programs or private instruction classes.
Student’s artwork must fall in the following categories; oil/acrylic, watercolor, ink, charcoal/pencil/pastel, 2D mixed media, or photography.

Artwork on paper must be matted and/or be mounted on matboard, poster board, or construction paper for support.  Work that is on canvas or framed must have wiring on the back and all work must be ready to hang.  Work that is not matted, mounted, or wired will not be accepted.

Students are allowed to enter a maximum of two submissions, but may only place with one entry.  All artwork must have a half sheet of paper attached to the back lower right hand corner with the student’s name, title of work, grade, school, and parent and teacher contact information (email and/or phone number). Artwork will be accepted Jan. 15, 2018 – Feb. 16, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. at the following location:

Buena Park Community Center

6688 Beach Blvd.
(at Pinchot Ct., between Beach Blvd. and Stanton Ave., behind Buena Park City Hall)
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. A panel of judges will review all submissions and will select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each medium category (subject to change if limited submissions are received in a specific category).  Ribbons and cash prizes will be presented during the Awards Ceremony on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Buena Park City Hall.  All participants, their families, friends, teachers and school officials are invited to attend.  Artwork will be on display at Buena Park City Hall Feb. 21, 2018 through March 20, 2018. For more information, please contact the Fine Arts Division at (714) 562-3868 or visit BuenaPark.com.