BPPD receives grant to fight alcohol-related crime


The Buena Park Police Department has been awarded a $53,000 grant from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to battle alcohol-related crime. The grant is one of 52 awarded in California to local law enforcement agencies through ABC’s Grant Assistance Program (GAP).

The GAP program was created in 1995 to strengthen partnerships between ABC and local law enforcement agencies. The program is designed to put bad operators out of business, keep alcohol away from minors and bring penalties such as fines, suspensions or revocations against businesses that violate the law.

The GAP program will allow the Buena Park Police Department to conduct minor decoy operations, shoulder tap programs, directed enforcement at licensee locations, and undercover operations inside on-sale businesses to monitor and enforce regulation compliance. These operations will target ABC licensed businesses and individuals who furnish alcohol to minors in order to reduce youth access to alcohol and alcohol related crimes.

Selling, serving and/or furnishing alcohol to persons under the age of 21 years of age is a criminal violation and violators will be prosecuted.