BP teacher reading to children in park again this summer


Gilbert Elementary School teacher and educator extraordinaire Leslee Milch has announced that she will once again read to local children at Bellis Park this summer, as she has done for the past 20 years. 

When the school year began winding down all those years ago, students asked, “But who will read to us now?”

Milch began going to the park one day a week over summer break, and reading aloud to any children that would show up.

And it has continued ever since, sometimes with a few children showing up, sometimes with upwards of 40, some coming from surrounding cities.

Organizations ranging from local charity Giving Children Hope to the community outreach arm of the FBI have partnered with her over those years.

This summer’s reading will take place on Wednesdays in June and July at Bellis Park, at 7171 8th St.


  1. Dear Brooklynn, Thank you for letting us know when Ms. Leslee’s reading was happening this summer. This is something I have been taking my children to for the past two years and they love being around her. She knows how to draw children’s attention very well and loves them too. Your short story on Ms. Leslee was lovely reading.