BP Noon Lions Club holds Annual Student Speakers Contest


The Buena Park Noon Lions Club held its Student Speaker Contest Tuesday, Feb. 19, at the Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel, during the club’s monthly evening meeting, where four extremely talented young ladies participated in the annual event.

Families members, friends, and Lions Club members listened intently to the well-prepared high school speakers.

Four student speakers addressed the difficult and some-what controversial topic of, “How do we create and keep jobs in America?”

The Buena Park Noon Lions Club held its Student Speaker Contest Tuesday, Feb. 19, at the Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel, during the club’s monthly evening meeting, where four extremely talented young ladies participated in the annual event.

Families members, friends, and Lions Club members listened intently to the well-prepared high school speakers.

Four student speakers addressed the difficult and some-what controversial topic of, “How do we create and keep jobs in America?”

One overall winner is chosen and that honor went to Miranda Chen, 16, who attends Sunny Hills High School .

All speakers received money for their participation and Chen will continue on to the next level of competition, which is the Zone Level, set for Tuesday, March 1, at 6:30 p.m., in the Anaheim Community Center, 250 E. Wilshire in Anaheim. All speeches were timed by three different people in the room, and three judges who were not members of the Lions Club judged the speeches.

The talks are required to be at least five minutes long, but no longer than 10 minutes, and they are judged on delivery, thought content, and the effectiveness of the talk – how well-rounded, logical and persuasive the talk is.

The competition is open to all high school-aged students from 9th to 12th grade and the purpose is to offer competitive public speaking amongst students on a subject of vital interest to the contestants and to the American people as a whole.

The competition is also to stimulate self-expression and in-depth thinking to present to the public through the speaking program.

The contest takes in problems surrounding the maintenance of the country as a free nation and seeks to have the speakers consider the means at our disposal of meeting the present and future world problems.

“We appreciate the students showing off their speaking abilities tonight as we know public speaking is a difficult thing to do, but we are proud of all of the students and thank you for being here,” Lions Club President Art Brown said.

For Buena Park Noon Lions Club information and to become involved in Lionism, visit www.SilveradoDays.com or call President Art Brown at 714-292-1927.

Loreen Berlin may be reached at loreenberlin@verizon.net.