Buena Park Library District 100-years ago located on Beach Boulevard across from the historic First Congregational Church at 10th Street.

Unique library district hosts grand event

By Loreen Berlin
Just 10 years ago the very unique Buena Park Library “District” held a celebration of 90-years – and now – in 2019, the library is celebrating its 100th birthday.

Recently, the library held a day of family activities on the lawn of the library, with a history program held downstairs in the “Donna Bagley Community Room” (so named for long-serving Women’s Club president Donna Bagley), along with a short video that took a look at the past 100-years – going from horse-drawn carriages out front of the library to the modern means of transportation today.

Activities included children’s crafts, face painting, an animal magic show and a ballet Folklorico performance.

Amber,  2 1/2 -years-old, gets some help from her dad, Daljit Singh, from Anaheim, to make a special 100th celebration crown with glitter and crayons. “We came here just for this celebration,” said Singh.

Welcoming the assembled crowd was Library Director Mary McCasland. Those in attendance included library patrons, community residents, City and elected officials and even past and present Board of Directors and former library directors driving from afar, such as Louise Mazerov from Cambria, Calif. and Kathleen Wade from Arizona and California State Librarian Greg Lucas, along with School Board officials, to mention a few of the very special guests, which also included Library Volunteer Guild members.

“Today is a significant milestone in our Library’s history,” McCasland said, going on to explain that the library’s history began in 1905 when the early Buena Park residents created their own library within the former Lily Creamery (along Grand Street, now Beach Boulevard), with donated books.

“In 1918, the Buena Park Women’s Club circulated a petition for an election to approve the formation of the Buena Park Library and thanks to voters, the Buena Park Library District was established in June of 1919,” McCasland said. “Libraries look a lot different than they did 100 years ago, even 10 years ago, but the reasons they exist are the same.”

Buena Park Library District Trustees; former, and current librarians, gather for  a photo opportunity during the library’s recent 100th birthday celebration. Pictured from left are current Trustees Dr. Richard Rams, Dennis Salts, President Dr. Patricia Ganer and Library Director Mary McCasland; along with Former Library staff Trustees Donna Miller and Mary Fuhrman; Former Director Louise Mazerov, Administrative Assistant Kathy Bermosk, Public Services Manager Kathleen Wade and current Children’s Librarian Mary Ivelia.

McCasland shared some library history: The library was built on the corner of what is now Beach Boulevard across from the historic First Congregational Church at 10th Street. The 18-by-22-square-foot building hosted a collection of 283 books. After several remodels, that building proved inadequate for the growing community and so land was purchased on La Palma Avenue and a new 45,000-square-foot library was constructed in 1969.

“The Buena Park Library District currently has a borrowing collection of more than 143,000 items that includes books, eBooks, movies, music and even ukuleles. The Library welcomes more than 5,000 visitors per week, and lends out 300,000 items per year.  Many visitors come to the Library to take advantage of free Wi-Fi and a variety of programs for children, teens, and adults,” continued McCasland.

McCasland said that every day she and her staff hear from the patrons how much they appreciate the library’s programs and services and also from parents who bring their children to the Storytime programs; to college students who are looking for a faster WiFi connection and perhaps a quiet place to study, or people who come to socialize or participate in the DIY programs or painting classes. “The library is truly a place for everyone,” she explained. “Our achievements and successes are the result of many hands, including our talented library staff and dedicated volunteers and our library supporters – thank you for celebrating with us and being part of our history, as we look forward to the next 100 years.”

McCasland said the library not only connects people to information, but also connects people to other people; new ideas, and ways of accomplishing things. “In the past 100 years, technology for accessing library materials has changed, but our mission to inform, entertain and enrich the lives of our diverse community has not.  We look forward to serving the Buena Park community for another 100 years to come.”

Grace, 6, and her mother, Eun Kim, were just passing by the Buena Park Library District when they saw there was lots of activity going on, which turned out to be the library’s recent 100th birthday celebration. While attending, Grace was able to have her face painted and enjoy the other activities for children.
Children have an opportunity to experience Origami folding during the recent 100th
Celebration of the Buena Park Library District. The Library has an Origami Club that meets on Wednesday’s for one-hour. Dan Wilkins, far left, is the teacher. “As the Club becomes more popular, we will add more class time,” he said.
Buena Park resident Chloe, 5, is having her face painting during the recent Buena Park Library District’s 100th birthday celebration by Artist Brittaney Molinar. Chloe attended with her mom, Christina Land.
Two young boys enjoy working with larger-than-life bubbles during the recent Buena Park Library District’s 100th birthday celebration. Pictured from left are Ethan, 5, from Buena Park and Elisha, 3, from Anaheim.

Refreshments were donated by Porto’s bakery of Buena Park.

For library information, please call 714-826-4100 ext.125, or visit the virtual branch at www.buenaparklibrary.org

The Buena Park Library District is located at 7150 La Palma Ave, in Buena Park and is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.