BP Elks welcome new members


Buena Park Elks Lodge welcomed four new members on Wednesday, Oct. 24. The new members – a Daryl Chrispen, John Rodriguez, Esther Roman and Mark Preslickawere – were escorted by Linda Meade to each of the stations of the Order of the Elks. Each officer then explained in detail their particular office.

After the ceremony all rose and congratulated the newest members to the Buena Park Lodge.

For more info on the Buena Park Elks Lodge, or to contact the club, call 714-522-2853 or visit Elks.org.

Buena Park Elks Lodge welcomed four new members on Wednesday, Oct. 24. The new members – a Daryl Chrispen, John Rodriguez, Esther Roman and Mark Preslickawere – were escorted by Linda Meade to each of the stations of the Order of the Elks. Each officer then explained in detail their particular office.

After the ceremony all rose and congratulated the newest members to the Buena Park Lodge.

For more info on the Buena Park Elks Lodge, or to contact the club, call 714-522-2853 or visit Elks.org.