BP Elks celebrate Christmas in July at Veterans Hospital


On July 8, five Elks lodges from the Orange Coast District, Buena Park, Garden Grove, Fullerton, Santa Ana, and Orange met at the Long Beach Veterans Hospital in Long Beach to celebrate Christmas in July with the veterans. The evening started off with Bingo and refreshments were served to the vets. Sometimes they need help with their Bingo as it may be hard for them to see or are handicapped in other ways. The Santa Ana lodge ladies knitted caps; new lap throws were also available to those who wanted one. Buena Park distributed bags full of new socks. A special treat for the evening was Santa Claus, who gave each veteran a gift bag full of personal items. Mike Spratt, from the Fullerton Elks Lodge, played Santa.

The Elks meet at the Vets Hospital three times a year, April, July and October, to help the vets who are hospitalized and ambulatory and able to get themselves down to the Community Center where they can play Bingo and meet with other veterans. Prize money was donated by all the lodges. The winner of each game won a few bucks to use if they wanted to go to the canteen.

Ninety minutes three times a year is not much to ask of any member who wants to help in any way. The benefit of helping these wonderful vets is priceless. This is a special program the lodges in the Orange Coast District do to show their appreciation to the veterans for their part in keeping our country safe. If you are able and would like to volunteer, contact Jack Ray, 562-941-7757, Veterans Service Chairman.