BP Eggstravaganza is great success

Two Buena Park youngsters carrying their Hello Kitty and Yoda Easter baskets are ready for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Eggstravaganza at Boisseranc Park. Pictured from left are Ruby, 5, and Jimmy, 6. They attended with their mother, Christinia Watt. Photo by Loreen Berlin.

Boisseranc Park draws large crowd

By Loreen Berlin

The Annual Easter “Eggstravaganza” was held Easter weekend at Boisseranc Park, 7520 Dale Ave., in the city of Buena Park.

“I understand that all went very well to the degree that the Buena Park Noon Lions Club that sponsored the annual Pancake Breakfast, ran out of food at the Eggstravaganza,” said Vice President Pat Donnelly. “Lion member Debbie and Lion President Laura attested to the success of the event; I have never seen us run out of food before; my congratulations to all for a job well done.”

Buena Park Noon Lions Club member and Miss Silverado Scholarship Chairperson Deborah Donnelly turns out pancakes in just the right size during the early-morning breakfast sponsored by the Lions each year. Photo by Loreen Berlin.

The morning started off early with the traditional Buena Park Noon Lions Club Pancake Breakfast at 8 a.m., which is all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, orange juice, milk and hot coffee, served by Lions Club members along with Miss Silverado and her court members.

Helping with pancake serving Saturday morning from left are Buena Park Mayor Art Brown, Lions Club member and Savanna School Board District Former President Chris Brown and Miss Silverado Princess Katelyn Camarena. Photo by Loreen Berlin.

Lions Pancake Chair Jeff Schlagheck said they mixed three large batches of pancake batter to be lightly-browned on the grill by many of the other Lions.

This is the Lions’ largest pancake breakfast of the year and setup is early at 7 a.m., with lots of Lions joining in to make it a successful event—where 550 breakfasts were sold during the three-hour period, according to Lions treasurer Dale Eichman. That’s approximately 150 more breakfasts than last year.

Buena Park Noon Lions Club members try their seasoned hand at flipping pancakes Saturday morning during the annual Easter Eggstravaganza at Boisseranc Park; pictured are Lions Club members and Miss Silverado Rachel Jensen and Silverado Princess Taylor Good. Photo by Loreen Berlin.

The event, co-sponsored by the City of Buena Park and the Buena Park Noon Lions Club, serves two purposes, to feed the hungry Eggstravaganza attendees who come to hunt for Easter eggs, and so the Lions Club can raise and donate more money to charity within the City of Buena Park, according to Eichman. 

“That’s the dedicated Lions Spirit, making money to give to charity within the community,” said former Lions Secretary Joe Rodehaver.

Activities included stage entertainment, children’s crafts, field games, a petting zoo with pony rides, inflatable moon bounce houses, visits with the Easter bunny, and of course, the candy scramble for children 12 and under.

Tiffany Herrmann with Itty Bitty Petting Zoo gives 6-year-old Avalynn a ride on a pony; both are all dressed up for the Easter celebration at Boisseranc Park in Buena Park. Photo by Loreen Berlin.

And yes, there were two Easter bunnies on hand this year for pictures with children and their families.

Although the event is surely a Buena Park specialty, it proved to draw residents from other local cities, with ties to Buena Park, such as Anaheim, Fullerton and Garden Grove and far-away cities as well.

There were lots of prizes and candy for those participating in the field games and carnival games during the Eggstravaganza.

Buena Park Recreation Staff members pause for a photo opportunity with the Easter Bunny at Boisseranc Park. Pictured from left are Brandon Reynolds, Rafaela Liz Pia, LeeAnne Roth and Manika Songu. Photo by Loreen Berlin.
Mom and grandmother held children while a picture was snapped with the Easter bunny at Boisseranc Park in Buena Park. Pictured from left are Quynh Mai; Adalyn, 1 1/2; Diora, 4; and Nhuny Dao. “We found out about the Easter event on Facebook,” said Mai. Photo by Loreen Berlin.