Boys & Girls Club participates in “Peace Poster Contest”


The Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park was recently invited to participate in the Buena Park Noon Lions Club’s annual “Peace Poster Contest” – “Peace, Love and Understanding.”

The age requirement was 11, 12 or 13 and four young people at the Club participated this year; they included four 11-year-olds Kenneth Roman, Hailey Hackett, Camila Acosta and Errandy Sotelo, under the direction of Marissa Moreno at the Club.

The Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park was recently invited to participate in the Buena Park Noon Lions Club’s annual “Peace Poster Contest” – “Peace, Love and Understanding.”

The age requirement was 11, 12 or 13 and four young people at the Club participated this year; they included four 11-year-olds Kenneth Roman, Hailey Hackett, Camila Acosta and Errandy Sotelo, under the direction of Marissa Moreno at the Club.

After a panel of three judges chose Errandy’s poster as the Club-Level winner it was submitted to the District-Level for further judging; winning posters at that level move on to Multiple-District and International levels.

Posters are judged at each level on originality, artistic-merit and expression of the theme, “Peace, Love and Understanding.”

Schools and youth groups may participate in the annual event.

The International Grand Prize winner receives a trip to the award ceremony at the “Lions Day with the United Nations,” where the International winner receives $5,000 and an award.

The one top International winner and a family member, along with the Lions Club president travel together to the ceremony were there will also be 23 Merit Award winners, who each receive $500 and a certificate of achievement.

The contest is an opportunity for young people to exchange views on peace and the Peace Posters can be hung for display; the four participants will have their posters on display at the Boys & Girls Club.

View past art participants at

Errandy’s poster was among more than 375,000 entries submitted worldwide in the 27th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest.
Buena Park Noon Lions, along with other Lions clubs, sponsor the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere.
The Club-Level winner was asked for a quote on “Peace;” her response: ““Peace to me means being nice to each other and caring for one another; my poster was inspired by thinking of the good things in life and what really matters, like peace love and understanding.”
Lions Club President Laura Rodehaver said she was impressed by the expression and creativity of the students at the Boys & Girls Club.

“It’s obvious that these young people have strong ideas about what peace means to them. I’m so proud that we are able to provide them with the opportunity to share their vision,” she said.

“Errandy’s poster will advance to face stiff competition through the district, multiple-district and international rounds of competition if she is to be declared the international grand-prize winner,” Rodehaver said.

Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization, with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs in 207 countries and geographical areas. In addition to its efforts toward conquering blindness, they have also made a strong commitment to community service and helping youth throughout the world.

A first-rate example of community service for the Buena Park Noon Lions Club is their recent annual Silverado Days, where all of the money made during the three-day carnival is turned back to the community in the form of Silverado Days Grants.

Deadline to turn in a Grant Application is Friday, Jan. 10, 2014; visit and look for the “Grants” heading. The Grants Luncheon (by invitation only), will be held in February 2014.

Also, for the first 5,000 honorably-discharged military personnel (all branches of service) through 2015, who apply for membership in the Lions Club, their entry fee will be waived.

For Lions information, visit or call Lions Club President Laura Rodehaver at 714-739-8927.