Boys & Girls Club of BP holds annual luncheon and awards


Alyshia Singh, Justin Singh, and Daisy Garcia are “Youth of the Year”

By Loreen Berlin

Each month throughout the year, one boy and one girl showing exemplary leadership skills at the Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park are chosen from the 150 club members as Youth of the Month. Then at the end of the year, one boy and one girl are chosen from those 24 as Youth of the Year during the Club’s annual luncheon and awards.

CEO Todd Trout said to be chosen, the Club looks at how the individual did in school, what they are doing in the community, their honesty and attitude, and how dependable they are and if they demonstrate teamwork.

In 2017 Ford Motor Company began sponsoring a Junior High Youth of the Month, which included Alyshia Singh for April and October; Billie Hadaway, May; Roy Datuin, June; Eden Britton, July; Kabron Aylsew, August; Matthew Aden, September; Adrian Rincon, November; and Rosemary Duarte in December. Alyshia Singh, 13, a member for six years, was also chosen as Junior High Youth of the Year, a true leader coming up through the ranks of the Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park.

So keeping it in the family this year, two siblings were announced recently at Knott’s Berry Farm’s Spurs Restaurant. They included Alyshia Singh, for Junior High Youth and Youth of the Year Justin Singh, 8, a member for three years and Daisy Garcia, 16, a member for eight years.

Youth of the Month for 2017 beginning in January includes Kyla Lee, Max Mendoza, Vanessa Mendoza, Shawn Webb, Erandy Sotelo, Alex Sotelo, Daisy Garcia, Bryan Elepano, Luis Roman, Shann Choe, Adrian Sanchez, Julissa Contreras, Alonso Hernandez, Alexis Phipps, Juliana Montero, Christian Rojas, Eve Britton, Koda Thammavongsa, Stevie Sandoval-Lunn, Trent Byers, Victoria Duarte, and Justin Singh.

Junior High Youth of the Month throughout the year beginning with the month of April include Alyshia Singh, April and October; Billie Hadaway, Roy Datuin, Eden Britton, Kabron Aylsew, Matthew Aden, Adrian Rincon, and Rosemary Duarte.