The City of Buena Park’s Fine Arts Division announced their upcoming Autumn Nights production of “Dracula.” Local thespians are encouraged to audition.
The City of Buena Park’s Fine Arts Division announced their upcoming Autumn Nights production of “Dracula.” Local thespians are encouraged to audition.
The first audition will take place on Saturday, July 29 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Ehlers Event Center, 8150 Knott Avenue in Buena Park. The second set of auditions will take place on Sunday, July 30 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Madelyn Clark Studios, 10852 Burbank Blvd. in North Hollywood.
From “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” to “True Blood,” “Twilight,” and the “Vampire Diaries,” Vampire folklore holds an important place in contemporary pop culture. “Dracula” was adapted from the novel by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston for Broadway production in the late 1920s. For Autumn Nights, director Alan Palmer will recreate the lush, mysterious, gothic feel of the source material with a steampunk twist.
Performances will be held in Buena Park’s beautiful outdoor theatre on September 29 and 30 and October 6 and 7. We are looking for interesting-looking actors who can carry a tune. Palmer will be creating original harmonies to enhance transitions throughout the piece.
Please call 323-259-5713 for an audition appointment. Prepare a 1-minute monolog showing your best British accent. There is pay.
Roles (any ethnicity):
Dracula – a tall, mysterious man; polished and distinguished; continental in appearance and manner; age 40-50
Maid – an attractive young woman
Harker – a young man of about 25; handsome in appearance, an Englishman of the Public School class, but in manner direct, explosive, incisive, and excitable
Dr. Seward – an alienist of about 45-55; intelligent, but a typical specialist who lives in a world of textbooks and patients, not a man of action or force of character
Abraham Van Helsing – a man of medium height in his early 40s-50s, with a clean-shaven, astute face; has a nervous, alert manner, an air of resolution; a man of resourceful action with incisive speech
Renfield – repulsive; face distorted, shifty eyes, tousled hair 5’4” and under
Attendant – dressed in uniform
Lucy – a beautiful girl in her 20s, her face unnaturally pale; she walks with difficulty and wears a scarf around her throat