Astrological forecast for June 20-26


Esoteric Astrology as news for June 20-26

So much is happening this week. Sun enters Cancer and summer begins. Next Tuesday, Mars retrogrades in Aquarius and Wednesday is the full moon, the Cancer solar festival.

ARIES: Something new concerning family, property, real estate, home materializes in the coming year. You may buy or sell, invest in family property, move, form community, create a collective.

TAURUS: In the coming year, you must begin to travel, enter school, study, publish or begin a long adventure. Everything faraway is interesting, even destinations others would never contemplate.

GEMINI: Do you feel in conflict? There are so many avenues calling for your attention. First is the idea of remaining behind the scenes in solitude and retreat. Then there’s the demand facing you concerning work. Then there are all the people seeking your advice, inviting you here and there to be part of their vision.

CANCER: It’s time to reflect upon the past year in preparation for your new birthday year. Review all actions, choices made, things produced, brought to flower, people spoken with, promises made, dreams that came true.

LEO: New people, new confidence, new groups eventually beckon to you, extending invitations. Friendships blossom and you find yourself mingling and networking, interacting and sharing.

VIRGO: The area of life called relationships becomes full of opportunities, personal and worldly. Something deep and profound occurs with someone close.

LIBRA: The most realistic time in our lives is each moment. Most moments quietly slip by as we seek what we don’t have, wonder when vicissitudes will end or when the rainbow will appear. However, should we be aware of each moment, they begin to feel like blessings.

SCORPIO: The surprise is a new creative talent comes forth from within; a creativity greater than previously experienced. It will make you explore all areas of the arts.

SAGITTARIUS: New ideas, thought and thinking accelerate, life moves into the fast lane, new people enter your life, and you seek the world of art, music and culture. People notice you’ve become more optimistic.

CAPRICORN: Perhaps in the past you felt the need for more self-confidence. In the coming year, self-confidence, self-reliance and the ability to know more of yourself and your abilities will emerge, expand and fill you with self-assurance, poise, dignity and grace. Wherever you find yourself, that’s where you’re to be.

AQUARIUS: New archetypes concerning money and values appear for the rest of the year. Afterward, looking back on how you made, used and worked with money and what your values were, you see the changes made.

PISCES: For a long time, you’ve adhered to one particular path, following those you love with heart-felt fervor. Love came first, always. A good ethic and value. Now, however, something’s changing.