Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva commends upcoming Korean Summit and urges for continuous, peaceful dialogue


In response to the planned United States and North Korea summit at the end of May 2018, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D—Orange County) issued the following remarks in support of continued diplomatic action. This would be the first time a sitting U.S. President will have met the leader of North Korea since the Korean War. Earlier this month, U.S. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that, “In the meantime, all sanctions and maximum pressure must remain.”

“In a time of sensitive relationships between these foreign powers, the United States should remain sympathetic to the concerns of South Korean families, and their relatives,” said Quirk-Silva. “I commend any diplomatic discussions between the powers of the United States, North Korea, and South Korea.”

Orange County is home to the second largest Korean population in the United States of America. Our Korean community exemplifies the American Dream, and the proud and rich history of a people in search of opportunity, and the freedoms America presents to those who want to make a better life for their families and children. Furthermore, the many veterans in the Orange County Korean community uphold the highest ideals of the United States through their dedicated service and considerable sacrifice.

“For the upcoming summit in May, our talks should focus on freedom, peace, and well-being for the people of the United States and the Republic of Korea,” said Quirk-Silva. “I look forward to supporting the administration’s diplomatic initiatives to avoid potential conflict that will adversely impact the Korean community in Orange County, and throughout America.”