Service groups help less fortunate children
By Loreen Berlin

The “Annual Children’s Shopping Spree,” which helps less fortunate children at Christmas time was held recently at the Buena Park Downtown Mall at Sears.
“This is a marvelous event,” said Buena Park Noon Lions Club’s 1st Vice President Pat Donnelly. “It puts everyone in the spirit of what Christmas is all about—giving—by sharing, we experience the joy of giving.”
Donnelly went on to quote St. Francis of Assisi, who was one of the most influential and inspiring men of faith: “If you have two coats in your closet, keep one for yourself and give the other to someone who doesn’t have a coat.”
Every other year the program is chaired by a different organization within the city. This year it was once again under the direction of the Buena Park Noon Lions Club, with Lion Kari Schlagheck organizing the event for the Lions.
All of the local service group support the event with individual money, time and talent. Each child is given $100 to shop for necessary clothing items such as jackets, pants, tops and underclothing, plus new shoes from Payless Shoes at the mall; children are assisted in shopping by members from the different charity groups.
In past years, Savanna School District Superintendent Sue Johnson said some of the children at Payless Shoes, were seen hugging their new shoes because it meant so much to them.
Though it can be easy to take some things in life for granted; these children did not, as some having never worn new shoes but only hand-me-downs, and it’s often the same story with new clothing being a first for the less fortunate children.
And so it was, that Saturday morning, Dec. 8, bright and early at 7 a.m., the groups gathered at Buena Park Downtown Mall, to get the morning started.
There is a careful criteria used in selecting the individual participants for the Shopping Spree, with suggestions from schools within the several school districts serving the local area.
One of the amazing school districts is headed up by Dr. Sue Johnson, Superintendent of the Savanna School District; not only does the school district provide their own people and money to help with the shopping, they take time to see that each child has a photo taken with their families at the Santa Station at the Mall.
This year, Savanna School District and the other organizations including the Buena Park Noon Lions Club, Knights of Columbus, Soroptimist International of Buena Park, the Leo Club of Anaheim, Miss Anaheim, Miss Buena Park and Miss Silverado and their court members, Buena Park Chief of Police Corey Sianez, Buena Park Assistant City Manager Aaron France, Councilmembers Connor Traut and Sunny Park were in attendance to help children at the annual Shopping Spree.
This was in addition to the continued support of all of the local service organizations.
Sears offers extra discounts at this time of the year for the Shopping Spree, so that the money allocated for each child goes further.
Lions Club members were attired in their Silverado Days/Club vests, as they hosted the annual Shopping Spree. “We had donations for a total of 171 children this year,” said Donnelly.
The event alternates leadership within the different service organizations every two years that includes the Buena Park Noon Lions Club, Soroptimist International of Buena Park, Knights of Columbus of Buena Park and the Buena Park Rotary Club.
“The Knights of Columbus picks up the tab at the Payless Shoe Source Store in the Buena Park Mall,” said Past Grand Knight John Muller. “I love the program; it’s great that we can do this to help children who need shoes; they are selected by the school districts with help from the school staff who know the families who need help for a better Christmas,” Muller said.
Other organizations that have helped include St. Pius PPTO, Buena Park Woman’s Club, Buena Park Moose Lodge, Buena Park Elks, American Legion and many individuals and local merchants.
Some of the other participating organizations have included Buena Park and Centralia School Districts and the Interact Club from Buena Park High School, sponsored by Rotary and Villa Park High School.
Also helping have been the Optimists Club and the Volt youth volunteers.
Each year, Knott’s Berry Farm generously donates enough Knott’s complimentary tickets or each of the Shopping Spree children to enjoy a complimentary day at Knott’s Berry Farm.
For information and/or to get involved in the Annual Shopping Spree contact:
Buena Park Noon Lions Club at