A special day at Knott’s for Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park


The Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park held its annual Youth of the Year event that was held at Knott’s Berry Farm, Saturday, Jan. 31. Many of the youths that were honored are seen here with Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park CPO Todd Trout (left) and Luz Valenzuela (bottom right). The event was deemed to be a “huge success” by Valenzuela, who oversees teen services at the club. Many city dignitaries and leaders such as City Council members Virginia Vaughn, Art Brown and Dr. Elizabeth Swift and the other array of supporters (Buena Park Police Chief Corey Sianez, JC Penny, David Simpson of Simpson Buick GMC, Brookhurst Towing, Premier Chevrolet, McAuely LCX) and Steve Knott of the Knott family, helped made the event a special one for the youths of the club to remember.